The “Climbing Prosperity Bouquet” makes a profound wish for continuous progress in the new year. A splendid array of flowers symbolizing ascension are presented with care and intention.
Price: HKD 980
Size: Approx H:50cm*W:44cm
Receive this bouquet with hopes that good fortune, like clinging vines, lifts you ever higher in the year of the Dragon. Prosperity and well-being follow where tenacity and drive show the way.
Price: HKD 980
Size: Approx H:50cm*W:44cm
All order will be delivered from 11am – 7pm during the Chinese New Year (Feb 7 to Feb 8)
The “Climbing Prosperity Bouquet” makes a profound wish for continuous progress in the new year. A splendid array of flowers symbolizing ascension are presented with care and intention.
Price: HKD 980
Size: Approx H:50cm*W:44cm